Predict Coronavirus Health Outcome based on your Medical History

This is a demonstrator that uses a set of trained Neural Networks to identify the health outcome risk of a coronavirus infection. This tool uses past diagnostics for a patient that can be selected in the table below and use AI to evaluate the risk of undiagnosed conditions or the risk of developing a condition. To use this tool:

  1. Select pre-existing medical conditions from the drop down list
  2. Click "Add-Row" to include condition to medical history
  3. Select additional conditions and add to patient history
  4. After all conditions are listed, press theĀ "Process Data with Neural Network" button

Please select your Age

Please select any previous Infectious Diseases

Diagnosed Condition Clinical Code

Please select any previous Blood or Endocrine Issues

Diagnosed Condition Clinical Code

Please select any Heart Problems

Diagnosed Condition Clinical Code

Please select any Breathing or Vision Difficulties

Diagnosed Condition Clinical Code

Please select any Mental and Behavioral Disorders

Diagnosed Condition Clinical Code

Please select any Digestive or Genitourinary issues

Diagnosed Condition Clinical Code

Please select any Musculoskeletal and Skin issues

Diagnosed Condition Clinical Code

Please select any current or previous Cancers

Diagnosed Condition Clinical Code

Please select any Symptoms you may had in the past

Diagnosed Condition Clinical Code

Please select any Other health related issues

Diagnosed Condition Clinical Code

Below is the Outcomes Risk for contracting Coronavirus: